14 February 2015


Thanks to all who emailed me in response to yesterday's "test post." I was unable to respond to all who wrote, but your responses are greatly appreciated--please know that. Writing Genealogy Tip of the Day is typically done in isolation and it was nice to know many of you look forward to receiving the tips every morning--which is when they go out if you live in the United States.

If you'd like more indepth discussion of topics, research ideas, etc. you can subscribe to my Rootdig blog. There I discuss a variety of personal research topics--lately we've been featuring compiled military service records from the United States Civil War. Other topics are coming. We don't post any sort of press releases on that blog and all content is generated by me and I rarely write in response to memes, contests, news items, etc. It's about the research.

Genealogy Tip of the Day is sponsored by GenealogyBank,  and we greatly appreciate their support. If you've been thinking of subscribing to GenealogyBank, consider doing so through our link. Those clicks help keep Genealogy Tip of the Day coming to you.

And if you know anyone who might be interested in Genealogy Tip of the Day, feel free to forward them to our blog at http://genealogytipoftheday.blogspot.com.

Writing Genealogy Tip of the Day is great fun. Readers keep me on my toes and there's always something all of us can learn to help our research. One very gracious reader brings typos to my attention on a regular basis--and it turns out he's a very distant cousin as well.

Happy Researching!

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