17 December 2014

Tips from a 1936 Wedding Announcement

This 1936 notice of my grandparents' wedding actually contains several tips, including:

  • watch newspapers for typos--Trautretter should be Trautvetter (important when using digital newspapers)
  • items were not always published right away (the announcement appeared two weeks after the marriage
  • check all newspapers in the area--not just one (I originally had not looked in the Mendon newspaper)
  • read between the lines ("Mrs. Ida Trautvetter" means that "Mr. Trautvetter" is somehow not in the picture)
  • couples may go a distance to elope (Keithsburg was not a marriage mecca, either)
  • couples may marry and go back to their parents' homes to live separately--at least for a time.
The couple in the wedding announcement are my paternal grandparents. 

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