21 December 2014

Buried Separately?

One of my ancestral families and all their children and their children's spouses are buried in the same rural cemetery. The only exception is their daughter who died in her teens and is buried in a separate cemetery. The parents died in the 1880s and the other children died between 1895 and 1920. The daughter died in the 1860s before the cemetery where the others are buried was established. 

Never assume just because it looks like all of a family is buried in one cemetery that that they all are buried in one cemetery. There could be another child or sibling permanently lurking nearby.


  1. Agreed; all of my maternal great grandfather's family are buried in a Boston Cemetery except for a son who died at three months. He is buried in Scarborough ME in a cemetery with several ancestors, several generations older.

  2. Not even necessarily nearby. Two of one of my families' children are buried in a cemetery in east central IL, where they were living at the time. Later, the rest of the family moved west to Kansas where the kids' parents and several siblings are buried.

  3. And there are the ones who have their ashes spread . Records don't usually tell that
