23 November 2014

The Cat On the Counter

The cat didn't mean to, but he was the "thought prompt" for today's tip.

Are you breaking your research down into smaller tasks? Achieving your goal in one step may simply not be possible. And if researching a family seems like a project which you will never finish, consider focusing on one person or one problem at a time and not be concerned with getting "it all done" right away. Ask yourself what one little thing can I do today to help me solve my genealogy problem?

After all, Sammie got on the kitchen counter one step at a time.

And your ancestor migrated from one place to another one step at a time as well. What was the most logical route to travel, where might he have stayed for a short time, and where might he have left records?

Your ancestor may have ended up on the counter, but he may have left a trail in several other places.

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