16 November 2014

Pencil and Paper Sometimes Will Do

Sometimes it is simply faster to use pencil and paper instead of "computerizing" everything. There are times where a quickly drawn out chart indicating relationships and names is what I need to keep me organized and to remind me of why I'm searching for a specific person.


  1. I do this all the time when I am talking to someone (a non genealogist) and trying to map out their family as a preliminary step.

  2. Sometimes the digital realm is just too linear. And sometimes even with 2 monitors you need a quick visual reference to see where you are and how things/people relate. Long live the doodle.

  3. Looks like Dutch ancestors on your chart. I've been tracing my husband's lineage, and have seen many of those first names in his line.

  4. I'll do tree sketches especially when parsing obituaries. Often they're like the math word problems from school - some names and relationships are explicitly stated, some are implied or ambiguous and some are omitted. The visualization helps further comparison and processing.

  5. Wy would anyone do such a thing? �� http://www.beholdgenealogy.com/blog/?p=1419

  6. I do it alot many times explaining my line to someone else, then sometimes just to remind me who I'm searching for. This past week I kept looking for this John then last night I realized it I was suppose to be searching for William

  7. I do this all the time. I'm a visual person and it really helps to graph things out when going through probate records and obituaries.
