25 May 2014

Google Can't Do Everything

Some searchers stop the minute Google doesn't find the answer to their question. That's a mistake. Even if search engines indexed every web page (and they don't), there are still pieces of information that are not online. If your ancestor lived an obscure life in 1814, don't expect all of it to be online in 2014.

1 comment:

  1. I have to really search for my ancestors. They did NOT come up on Google searches at all. It has been a lot of fun and LOTs of work but well worth the efforts. When I started researching, I did not even have a computer so it was not a big deal as most of the records had to be researched in the actual county offices of the villages or towns where these ancestors lived.
    The biggest stumbling block is that a lot of the records were destroyed by the towns rather than keep them in storage. This is so disheartening when we come across missing links, only to hear that "well we threw out the records because we needed the space", or "they smelled damp".
