05 August 2013

Get Familiar With the Map

How familiar are you with the local geographical features (both natural and political) near where your ancestor used to live? It is not bad to refer to a map when doing your research, but if you aren't familiar with some of the basic features (adjacent counties, nearby towns, states, rivers, etc.) it may inadvertently hinder your research.


  1. The country road where I grew up was the boundary for District 1 and District 3 in the county. My grandparents and other kin voted at a different place than my parents. An unusual feature for this road was that all the rain that fell on the North side of the road went to one river and the rain falling on the South side of the road went to a different river. Land to the North was hilly woods; to the South the land was rolling meadows.

  2. Allalata Hamza
    منذ ‏17‏ ساعة
    Hello My name is Hamza of Algeria in search of missing family members allalata in Germany during the First World War scientific knowledge that my grandfather, a French military service in World War I and Germany was taken in 1917, and made a girl married and release of the prison and married a German girl German girl top German command, and had a boy and a girl, and after the war he returned to Algeria. Was the war in Algeria because Algeria is occupied by the French army, and before his death he told us the story of his marriage in Germany and wanted to go to Germany to his children and his German wife died back in 1971, going to Algeria. This archive information about the history of my grandfather during World War II. - Http / www.genealogie.com ------------------------------------ Archive Online: Research ** *** Earnings for the name ALLALATA http://www.genealogie.com/ *** Your search criteria: * Name: Selected allalata (eg Dupont) Date: Name: mohamed (ex: Patrick) Entrepreneurs: 1900 (1925 ) Department: Department all DE ---------------------------------- Name: ALLALATA role of the personal name ad Relevance Name Mohamed ---------------------------------- Nombre "Persons: 1 Year: - http:/ / www. genealogie.com ------------------------------------ Archives en ligne: la recherche *** resuit * * nom de la recherche http://www.genealogie.com/ ALLALATA *** Critères Vos de recherche: nom *: allalata (par example Dupont) Période SELECTIONNEE: nom: Mohamed (ex: Patrick) Entrepreneurs: 1900 (année 1925 ) Department: tous de '---------------------------------- Nom de l'Rôle ALLALATA personnelles Nom Nom de la Relevance of annonces Mohamed ---------------------------------- Nombre de «personnes: 1 Année: And I also have a friend in Algeria German girl doing research in Germany and in contact with the Veterans Association in Germany and found the name and the title of my grandfather and his son, this information is a geet years a go of a resharshe germanne the girl and the address in this archive. Title Name allalata my grandfather Muhammad Mahmoud Young daughter Catherine address range is in Stuttgart, rural housing for veterans away. Unfortunately, not seen in this case, my family, according to a study by the neighbors turned out that my grandfather left his wife and his children eventually died to another location after 20 years, I consider my request thank hoping Address: ... ALLALATA Hamza bin Abd Elhamid Department: AIN Touila Khenchela PO Box 40005 Algeria Phone 00213667109901 email hamza.40 @ hotmail.com
