20 July 2013

Have Grandma Read It

After you've talked with that relative about the family history, have them read your transcription of the interview and see if you interpreted things the way they intended.

They may even remember more upon reading what they had to say.

1 comment:

  1. I did this after filling 10 audio tapes with Grandma's responses to all my questions. She appreciated the chance to review what she had said, and often added more stories or expounded greatly on some of the topics we had covered. While we no longer have Grandma with us, the story of her life is with us yet today.
    One tip: I broke down the proof reading for Grandma into smaller 20 pages or so) packets, and mailed them to her with prepaid return manilla envelope (SASE) tucked in so ll she had to do was read, write, and stick it in her mailbox. She loved it!
