11 April 2010

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

I will be making the following presentations at the following upcoming conferences/workshops over the next several months:

Topeka Genealogy Society Seminar, 24 April 2010
  • The Oft-Married Sarah
  • Female Ancestors: After the Marriage
  • Barbara's Beaus and Gesche's Girls
  • Widows Denied-Pensions for Widows and What they Can Tell You

Southern California Family History Jamboree, 11-13 June 2010
  • Restacking the Blocks: Organizing Your Information
  • From New Jersey to Ohio: Establishing an Early Nineteenth Century Migration Trail
  • Pig Blood in the Snow: Court Records Can Solve Problems

Family History Expos-Loveland, Colorado 25 & 26 June 2010
  • Searching Tips and Tricks
  • Where Did the Farm Go
  • Where Do I Go From Here?
  • Restacking the Blocks: Organizing Your Information
Cleveland, Oklahoma Summer Seminar, 24 July 2010
  • Using Probate Manuals and State Statute
  • Barbara, Nancy and Antje-Three Midwestern Women and Their Records
  • Pig Blood in the Snow-Court Records Can Solve Problems
  • Organizing Your Information
More workshops seminars will be announced as they approach and as they are scheduled. If you are in the area, please consider attending! And if you'd like to bring me to your seminar or workshop, please contact me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com for details.
