01 March 2010

Casefile Clues--my weekly how-to newsletter

Genealogy Tip of the Day Readers are encouraged to consider subscribing to my weekly genealogy how-to newsletter, Casefile Clues.

Casefile Clues is not your typical genealogy newsletter. We do not rehash or rephrase generic information that is available in numerous how-to books and websites. Casefile Clues is applied genealogy at its best. Our focus is on record and document analysis, "where to go next," "where did I go wrong," how to use records, etc. All case studies are drawn from my own research in a variety of locations.

Readers like Casefile Clues because it is not just fluff and we really get down and explain what the thought process was behind the research. And we cite our citations. And sometimes we discuss how we tried things that did not work and where I think I should go next.

Will we discuss your ancestor? No (unless you are a relative of mine). But hopefully we'll give you ideas to jump start your own research. That's our goal.

More information is available on our website at http://www.casefileclues.com/.

Casefile Clues is delivered weekly as a PDF file and comes directly to your email. No ads either!