10 March 2009

Clean it Out?

They put new carpet in my office at work. The drawback was that I had to take everything out. The upside was I "found" folders and papers I had forgotten about or mislaid. Do you have stacks of copies in your genealogy workspace that have been neglected? So you even know what is in those stacks?

Go through and clean up your genealogy work area. At the very least you may be more efficient. At the very most you may find something you completely forgot you ever had.


  1. It's amazing how much a person can gather in records and documents - I have been trying to organize my information also - Currently I use the "pi-lot" system - you know pile it here and pile it there...... LOL

  2. To Terri - me too me too me too! To Michael - As I read this post I felt like someone was looking over my shoulder, peering into my "space" which is overrun with papers, folders, notebooks, binders, passenger lists and all other things genealogy. Guess I'm not the only one in this boat. Thanks for another, ever timely tip!
