09 February 2009

Update Your Old Message Board Posts

Have you posted to the message boards at Ancestry/Rootsweb or other genealogy sites and not looked at your message in a while? Have you gotten a response? Remember that even if the site allows you to be notified of a response, that response might have gotten stuck in your spam filter.

Also some users don't view the "old" posts because they are concerned that the emails are out of date, etc. Consider re-posting messages to boards with updates in your information, etc. New people are getting into genealogy every day and there may be new relatives just waiting to be found on the message boards.

1 comment:

  1. Another fantastic tip! I have one messge board that I've posted the same message on for about 5 years, just for fear that someone will think it's too old and not reply. Admittedly, I myself do the same thing - if a message is 2 years old how do I know the email address is any good? But, this is not always the case and it's well worth a rejected email to try anyway.
